LIM在线, 校园, 每学期注册6个或更多学分的扩展学生有资格获得联邦学生经济援助和私人学生贷款. For further information about federal aid for graduate students, please visit the PLUS贷款计划页面.
Students are also encouraged to seek out private scholarships, such as ones available through professional 部长级 organizations of which they are a member, 比如全国田园音乐家协会, 并且为会员提供奖学金. 参观 学生财务服务 请浏览有关援助、账单和付款的更多信息.
U.S. 学生可能有资格获得 终身学习税收抵免. This tax credit was designed to help students acquire or improve job skills. 非全日制学生可申请. 这是一个税收抵免等于前5美元的20%,1万美元的合格学费,每户最高可达000元. 详细信息请咨询您的税务顾问.
感谢我们的捐助者的慷慨支持,特别是乔和凯利乔治,医生的家人. 贝蒂·蒙哥马利和英格丽·莉莉·弗罗利希·伯恩斯, 以及玛丽家族基金会, LIM提供多项奖学金.
洛约拉学院部致力于支持学生在教牧研究和宗教教育攻读研究生学位. Recognizing that finances can be a barrier to those called to pursue advanced degrees, LIM有有限数量的部分奖学金,每学期200-500美元不等,提供给全职事工的研究生, either on a paid or volunteer basis and taking a minimum of three LIM courses per year, and enrolled in a LIM program requiring 12 or more credit hours for completion.
A brief essay of 500 words should explain your work in ministry. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application.
学生可以随时申请奖学金, 但必须有一个完整的申请,并被录取为LIM研究生课程考虑奖学金. 在本学年, which runs from the fall semester through the summer semester, apply by August 5 to be eligible for an award for the fall semester, by December 5 to be eligible for an award for the spring semester, by May 5 to be eligible for an award for the summer semester.
每学年, LIM为新奥尔良的校园或完全在线的田园研究硕士或宗教教育硕士学位课程的学生提供全额学费研究生助理奖学金. 奖学金获得者将负责大学学费,并作为研究生助理每周工作5小时. For more information, please contact LIM Director Tracey Lamont, Ph.D., at tlamont@iin3d.com.
洛约拉学院部致力于支持学生在教牧研究和宗教教育攻读研究生学位. Recognizing that finances can be a barrier to those called to pursue advanced degrees, LIM有有限数量的部分奖学金,每学期200-500美元不等,提供给全职事工的研究生, either on a paid or volunteer basis and taking a minimum of three LIM courses per year, and enrolled in a LIM program requiring 12 or more credit hours for completion.
奖励是基于经济需要, 通过填写一份需要在申请中附上经济需要陈述书的申请来证明这一点. The Statement of Need should be a single-spaced, 500-word document or PDF file. 它必须描述你正在经历的需要奖学金资助的经济状况. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application.
学生可以随时申请奖学金, 但必须有一个完整的申请,并被录取为LIM研究生课程考虑奖学金. 在本学年, which runs from the fall semester through the summer semester, apply by August 5 to be eligible for an award for the fall semester, by December 5 to be eligible for an award for the spring semester, by May 5 to be eligible for an award for the summer semester.
每学年, LIM awards one full-tuition graduate assistant scholarship for an eligible FJV to pursue, 在新奥尔良的校园里, 或者完全在线, the degree of 教牧学硕士 or Master of Religious Education. 奖学金获得者将负责大学学费,并作为研究生助理每周工作5小时. For questions or to apply for the FJV scholarship, please contact LIM Director, Tracey Lamont, Ph.D. attlamont@iin3d.com.
明矾完成这种形式 对于每个人.
LIM will contact the alum's referrals and invite them to apply.
LIM will continue to alert the referral about LIM Open Houses and other LIM events, and they can always request to be removed from our contact list.
Anyone who has completed a LIM graduate or undergraduate degree or certificate, 包括中欧大学毕业生, 可以推荐某人申请这项奖学金吗.
申请LIM本科或研究生学位或证书的申请人,以前没有参加过LIM课程,有资格获得奖学金. 申请CEU证书的申请人不符合资格.
This scholarship may not be combined with any other one-time LIM scholarships.
杰拉尔德·米. 费金,SJ,奖学金»
In recognition of outstanding academic achievement and commitment to Jesuit values, 每年颁发杰拉尔德·米. 教唆犯, SJ, 奖学金给两名学生,以纪念前洛约拉学院部教员Fr的遗产. 杰瑞·费金,SJ. 奖学金获得者必须全职从事有薪或志愿的事工,并且每年至少参加3门LIM课程. 为了获得这项奖学金, 事工被定义为教会中的一个职位, 天主教学校的老师, 或者在教会组织工作.
已修满18个学分的硕士研究生,目前平均成绩为3分.5名或以上的学生可以申请该奖学金,该奖学金在学生剩余的课程中每门课程奖励500美元. 申请截止日期为5月19日,获奖者将于次年8月公布.
申请包括一份在线表格和一篇论文. The essay should be 双倍行距 and not longer than 2 pages (approx. 500字),并应是Word或PDF文件. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application. You must be logged into your Loyola-sponsored Gmail account in order to upload your file. 应用在这里”
在你的文章中, 请描述你对依纳爵精神的理解和承诺,比如祈祷的实践, 洞察力, 在万事万物中找到上帝, 你对服务的承诺根植于正义和爱. 依纳爵灵修的实践如何以具体的方式影响你的生活和事工?
要了解更多关于弗·路德·金的生平和遗产. 杰拉尔德·费金,或者捐款给这个奖学金基金 去这里»
Haciendo卡米诺 奖学金
作为 Haciendo卡米诺 倡议, LIM is offering a limited number of fellowships for up to $23,为西班牙裔天主教徒提供1万美元,以支持他们追求神学和教牧教育的研究生,从而成为美国各地教区和皇冠365官方app的教牧领袖. 奖学金 would cover the cost of tuition with additional funds to cover other academic needs.
有下列情况的学生可获优先提名, 全职或兼职, 能在2027年夏季结束前完成学位吗.
- 在美国出生或长大的西班牙裔或拉丁裔.S.
- 18-39岁的年轻人
- 罗马天主教徒
- admitted to the 教牧学硕士 or Master of Religious Education program
- 具备从事教牧神学教育的能力,并能将其运用于教牧的领导角色, 特别是在西班牙裔或拉丁裔/非裔皇冠365官方app
- 证明有经济需要
Currently enrolled students are eligible to receive fellowship support.
被提名为 Haciendo卡米诺 奖学金, 申请人必须获理大教牧学硕士或宗教教育硕士学位课程录取,并必须填写奖学金申请表. LIM将提名候选人参加全国大选 Haciendo卡米诺 指导委员会一旦收到提名 Haciendo卡米诺 指导委员会评估提名,项目主任在2-3周内传达决定.
如果获得奖学金, 皇冠app官方版下载将建立学生在给定年份的支付时间表,并将告知接受者必须如何解释奖学金资金的使用.
申请 Haciendo卡米诺 奖学金,请填写 这种形式.